Corporate control, with HACCP builder you have it!
HACCP Builder is designed to allow corporate monitoring and management of every facility 24/7/365.If you have multiple facilities, you can login to your corporate control panel and view all logs and check lists plus reports. In addition, you can also print any report at any time.
What does this do? It enables your organization to review and take Corrective Actions at any facility in real time 24/7/365. No longer do you have to wait months to find and issue and then take months to take corrective actions. Your organization will become a finely tuned food safety machine.
In addition, when setting up your facilities within your organization, HACCP Builder features the ability to “copy a facility”. So, if you have silo’d facilities in your organization, after you build your first system, simply click copy, add the new facilities contact information and click submit.
The manager of that facility will receive an email with their login credentials and when they login their facility will be completely set-up. This enables HACCP Builder to scale to your complete organization overnight – no matter the size of your company.
The end result of implementing HACCP Builder; much higher productivity, lower risk,
extensive dollar savings, compliance and a brand reinforcing food safety system.