Tap, talk and log: logs, check lists, sop's, ssop's, gmp's, and gap's at your fingertips !
HACCP Builder’s Staff Mobile logins now feature Voice Activated Alpha-Numeric Search Reduction! Now your staff can tap, talk, and confirm! Or, if they choose to enter their data, the search reduction will deduce their selection in just a few strokes. Now, that is simple, efficient and compliant!
Apple or Android EXHIBIT: Talk, Tap and Log

HACCP Builder enables you to deliver your corporate food safety policy directly to the staff level! And, our advanced mobile application is a big reason (there are no additional charges for additional logins/access points).
How It Works: the user simply tapps on the field, and with their phone mic said the word “can”.The system returns any item in the field that has the character string “can”. This allows the user to select the desired item with their finger tip. Furthermore, in the sanitizer strength field (or temperature field on other logs), the user simply has to say the strength number (i.e. 4.6) and that number will automatically populate in the field. So, there is no need to type, just talk and tap!
With HACCP Builder’s mobile application; processing line staff, manufacturing staff, transport staff, cooks and more can all access Logs, Check Lists GMP’s, SSOP’s, GAP’s, SOP’s, mixes/recipes and much more with Voice or just a touch of a finger.
Our mobile application identifies the staff member (who), what they did (what), why they did it (why), when they did it (when) and where they did it (where).
You completely control employee access to individual logs and check lists. So you can feel secure with providing access to multiple staff members.