Our top-of-the-line service level with automated traceability
Each and every ingredient/input tracking to each individual output product lot, complete inventory management, production logging plus auto-recall!
Intended for manufacturer, processor, co-packer, warehouse, distributor organizations that need to comply with FSMA laws and traceability!
- The top-of-the-line service with complete traceability!
- Each and every ingredient/input tracking to each individual output product lot, complete inventory management, production logging plus auto-recall!
- Intended for organizations that need to comply with the FSMA laws and need traceability!
- See details below

"As we moved forward with our ongoing compliance, the LogiSafe Solution made track and trace, production lot tracking, inventory management and order processing and tracking a breeze. HACCP Builder has delivered everything they promised. We pass our ongoing third-party inspections easily and every time. Get HACCP Builder for your organization, you will be extremely happy you did!"
Gitto Farms"We consider HACCP Builder and Knotty Pretzel a team. HACCP Builder reacts, solves and delivers on any new areas where we require additional capabilities. HACCP Builder is so logical and intuitive, with great team support, the work flows with real ease into a comprehensive, compliant, and timely ongoing HACCP program. We implemented the LogiSafe Service Level and it has delivered on everything we needed and more!"
Knotty PretzelDetail Of Services
HACCP Builder LogiSafe Overview
- HACCP Plan with ongoing HACCP plus Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) compliance
- Automated track and trace
- Automated recall(s)
- Complete inventory management (incoming and outgoing products)
- EZ receiving log
- EZ production log with auto batch/lot number or custom batch/lot number - your choice!
- EZ shipping log
- EZ real-time HACCP Plan updates
- EZ document updates in real-time
- Customizable logs and check lists
- Unlimited fully tracked employee logins with real-time transparent management reporting
- HACCP/FSMA plan ONE BUTTON delivery of complete plan electronically and/or printed plan
- Tap, talk and log
- Alerts
- Plus our ongoing once a week support meetings with your team ensuring you reach your goals (meetings last five to 15 minutes)
- See more capabilities and benefits below in this same page...
HACCP Builder delivers for clients throughout the many different industry segments within the food chain
- Packers/co-packers
- Processors
- Manufacturers
- Distributors
- Caterers
- Farms
- Grocery
- Restaurants and more.
Additional Modules Included In HACCP Builder LogiSafe and Plus
- Multiple facilities within one complete system that can be monitored centrally
- Copy facility functionality for quick roll out
- Mobile logins for staff
- Recipe module
Corporate Level
- Complete access to customization setting corporate policy throughout your organization
- Complete access to every facility, complete reporting by facility, plus facility plan access
- Copy a facility for quick build out of your organization no matter how many nor where the facilities are located
- Oversight of all login access for each facility
- Users/Training Guide Included
- View all logging, check lists corrective actions by each staff member at each facility
- Assign requirements and customize for any facility/facilities
- Default standard & customizable and FDA/USDA (SOPs & GMP's)
- Default standard & customizable Check Lists
- Default standard & customizable Processes
- Default standard & customizable Logs with Critical Control Points (CCP's) and Quality Control Limit (QCL's)
- QCL feature enables an organization to set a Quality Control Limit Policy
- Create and drive specific corrective actions for the staff/line-user for Boolean field selection
- Requires staff to select a corrective action if CCP is outside of a compliance requirement
- Delivers high data integrity because of required selection choices
- Default standard & customizable Food Categories with biological, physical, chemical hazards & end point temperature corrective actions
- Default standard & customizable HACCP/FSMS Plan Index documents
- Easy to view/print HACCP/FSMS Plan for any facility in your organization
- System can be integrated with any SQL database driven temperature equipment
- Complete history centrally accessible for all facilities, viewable and printable 24/7/365
Facility Level
- Build HACCP based Food Safety Management System Plan for the facility
- Easy to answer all required procedural questions
- Standard equipment inventory and easy add custom equipment/area inventory
- Easy upload of vendors
- Easy upload of inputs/ingredients tied to vendors for track and trace
- Easy link inputs/ingredients to food categories/hazards
- Easy link inputs/ingredients to outputs/end product/menu items
- HACCP/FSMS Plan view and print
- Customizable cleaning & sanitization, maintenance, pest control plan and more
- Completely customizable documents available if needed
- Ability to set up staff mobile access logins plus edit/deactivate any login
- Online logging and reporting (paper forms included as well)
- Cleaning and Sanitization Log
- Cold Holding Log
- Cooling Temperature Log
- End Point Cooking Temperature Log
- Freezer Log
- Hot Holding Log
- Maintenance Log
- Pest Control Log
- pH Log
- Receiving Log
- Refrigeration Log
- Shipping Log
- Thermometer Calibration Log
- Online Customizable Food Safety Check List
- Online Customizable Validation Work Sheet/Check List
A complete user’s guide is included and all questions on food processes are easily answered in FoodSafe Enterprise’s HACCP Plan Index page. So, you can have your HACCP based Food Safety Management System and Plan complete in 30 minutes to a few hours.
With HACCP Builder, It’s easy to be compliant. References available upon request.